With the Museumcard you can visit over 400 museums in The Netherlands for free. Both registered museums (registrated at the branch association "Museum Vereniging") as well as other museums may accept the Museumcard.
Usually the Museumcard entitles you to a free visit.
Occasionaly the museum will charge an additional small fee for special exhibits.
This fee is the same for every visitor.
If you visit the museum as part of a group the museumcard is not applicable and you will
still have to pay a (discounted) entrance fee as a group member.
Open air museums or small museums will usually be closed from October to March (wintertime).
The Museumcard is a personal card.
There is no family card, only a personal one.
If you register your card at www.museumkaart.nl/registratie (only in Dutch) and pay € 4,95 your card will also be ensured against theft or loss.
Adult | Youth |
Museumcard adults € 64,90 (including € 4,95 for a first-time administration fee).
Museumcard youth up to and including 18 years of age € 32,45 (including € 4,95 administration fee).
Dutchmuseums.com has no ties to the 'Museumvereniging'.
For specific questions or remarks you can contact the Museumcard Helpdesk
- Helpdesk Museumkaart
- Antwoordnummer 311
- 2900 VB Capelle a/d IJssel
- Telephone during office hours:
0900-40 40 910 (35 ct per call)
- Free alternative number:
0800-020 33 88
- E-mail: klantenservice@museumkaart.nl
The Museum Week is a yearly event in collaboration with 400 museums.
Generally the Museum Week starts in the second weekend of April(20 - 26 april 2020).
Often all museums will be open and entrance is free for everyone (not just Museumcard holders) or you need to pay one euro.
Most museums have special events such as presentations, tours or children quests.
Also see on Twitter: hashtag #mw2019
and hashtag #museumweekend.
Museumcard is not valid during Museum Week!
Various towns will have a Museum Night.
There is no fixed night for all museums, each town will have its own date.
A special pass key will be sold in several participating museums a week in advance for around € 15,00.
This will give you free admitance for all the participating museums for only that night.
The price may be lower for advance bookings.
Museumcard is not valid during the Museum Night!
Amsterdam: 2 November 2019.
Twitter: n8news
and #N8pro
Facebook: museumnacht
Flickr: museumnacht
Rotterdam: 3 March 2018 20:00 - 01:00
Twitter: museumnachtrdam
and #MN010
Facebook: rotterdamsemuseumnacht
Den Haag: 5 September 2015 from 20:00-01:30
Twitter: museumnachtDH
Facebook: museumnachtdenhaag
Leiden: 2 June 2018
Twitter :museumnachtLDN
Facebook :museumnacht-leiden
Delft: 6 November 2015 from 20:00-01:00
Facebook: museumnachtdelft
Utrecht: Last one was in 2012
and #MNU13
Youtube: Youtube
Apps showing a barcode of your Museumcard will not be accepted. This is because the Museumcard is personal and this can not be checked using a mobile device.
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 January 2020
Villa Mondriaan - Winterswijk
Sow to Grow - Enkhuizen
Museum Tweestromenland - Beneden Leeuwen
Museum Boxtel - Boxtel
Museum Staphorst - Staphorst
Musiom - Amersfoort
Techniek met 'n Ziel - Neerkant
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 July 2019
Stadsmuseum Groenlo - Groenlo
Het Geert Groote Huis - Deventer
Museum Engelandvaarders - Noordwijk aan Zee
Museum van de Vrouw - Echt
Museum Lunteren - Lunteren
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 January 2019
Nationaal Orgel Museum Elburg - Elburg
Stadsmuseum Rhenen - Rhenen
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 July 2018
ABC Architectuurcentrum Haarlem - Haarlem
De Appel - Amsterdam
Kasteelruine Fluweelengrot - Valkenburg
Openluchtmuseum Eynderhoof - Nederweert-Eind
Oudheidkamer Texel - Den Burg
Museum de Pelgrim - Oldenzaal
Marius van Dokkum - Harderwijk
Het Klederdracht Museum - Amsterdam
Embassy of the Free Mind - Amsterdam
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 January 2018
- Goudse Sint Jan
- Streekmuseum Hoeksche Waard
- Museum De Scheper
- Waterliniemuseum
- Vrijmetselarij Museum
- Geniemuseum
- Kasteel Doornenburg
- Visserijmuseum Breskens
- MU
- Vleeshal
- Museum Het Belfort?
- Het Heiligenbeeldenmuseum(from 2nd of April 2018)
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 July 2017
- Museum de Oude Wolden
- Het Grachtenhuis
- Nationaal Modelspoor Museum Sneek
- Museum MORE
- Stadsmuseum Almelo
- Museum Vekemans
- Museum Warkums Erfskip
- Batavialand
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 January 2017
- Philips Museum
- Kunstvereniging Diepenheim
- Feyenoord Museum
- Industrieel Museum Zeeland
- Museum Bussemakerhuis
- Boerderijmuseum 'De Bovenstreek'
- West Den Haag
- Huis Zypendaal
- Kasteel Hernen
- Huis Verwolde
- Kasteel Doorwerth
- Kasteel Ammersoyen
- Kasteel Rosendael
- Buitenplaats Kasteel Wijlre
- Stadsmuseum Almelo
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 July 2016
- Heksenwaag
- Volendams Museum
- Société Musée Lalique Pays Bas
- Feyenoord Museum
- Archeon
- Museum MORE
- Museum Vermeulen
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 January 2016
- Micropia
- Kasteel Cannenburch
- Museum de Looierij
- Kasteel Huis Bergh
- Kasteel Heeswijk
- Noord-Veluws Museum
- Museum Nijkerk
- Space Expo
- Jan Uten Houte - Etten-Leur
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 July 2015:
- Herwijnen: Geofort
- Hoorn: Halve Maen
- IJmuiden: IJmuider Zee- en Havenmuseum
- Muiden: Pampus Fort Eiland
- Valkenswaard: Valkerij en Sigarenmakerij museum
- Vught: Kamp Vught
The following museums accept the Museumcard since 1 January 2016
- Alphen a/d Rijn: Archeon
- Amsterdam: Micropia
- Vaassen: Kasteel Cannenburch
- Dongen: Museum de Looierij
- 's-Heerenberg: Kasteel Huis Bergh
- Heeswijk-Dinther: Kasteel Heeswijk
- Nunspeet: Noord-Veluws Museum
- Nijkerk: Museum Nijkerk
- Noordwijk: Space Expo
- Etten-Leur: Jan Uten Houte
To see the list of all the museums where you can buy the Museumcard click here (occasionally the Museumcard can be out of stock in a particular museum).